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中华论文医学快递:一       ·目 次·
—— ——                                          Main Contents
Discussion on the relationship between emotion and the function of spleen and stomach(Part 1)——Approach to academic thought of Professor LU Zhizheng…………………………………………… SU Feng-zhe(1)
从脾瘅论治代谢性高血压的理论探讨 …………………………
…………………………………刘文科 李 敏 甄 仲等(6)
Discussion of Treating Metabolic Hypertension from the Perspective of pidan
…………………………………………………… LIU Wen-ke(6)
vital-qi syndrome •R256.1122332.8Q47459.6
通络利胆汤治疗胆囊切除术后综合征的临床观察 ……………
………………………………… 朱晓铭 唐晓勇 刘强光(13)
The Clinical Observation of Tongluo Lidan Tang in Treating Postcholecystecto-
my Syndrome……………………………………ZHU Xiao-ming(13)
漫谈“感冒”…………………吴绍雄 吴树铎 杨凯钿等(15)
Talking about cold……………………………… WU Shao-xiong(15)
蒿岑清胆汤治疗流行性感冒疗效观察 …………………………
Observation of Curative Effect on Influenza Treated with Haoqin qingdan Decoction…………………………………………WANG Ji-jian(18)
通阳宣痹法治疗咳嗽(慢性支气管炎急性发作)的临床研究…………………………………………胡勇刚 杨仁旭(20)
Clinical Study on Cough (AECB) by Tong yang Xuanbi……………………
………………………………………………… HU Yong-gang(20)
……………………………………………………… 焦丽杰(25)
Mechanism study on asthma with point application therapy of “treating winter disease in summer”……………………………………JIAO Li-jie(25)
中医治疗面神经麻痹82例…………………………王 彦(26)
82 patients with facial paralysis treated by TCM…………WANG Yan(26)
浅析临床研究中患者的依从性问题…… 支英杰 谢雁鸣(27)
Analysis of Patients’ Compliance in Clinical Studies………ZHI Ying-jie(27)
血证 blood troubles•R255.2;255.7;256.22;271.11;54;55
冠心病心绞痛中医治疗的临床研究概述 ………………………
An Overview on Angina Pectoris by TCM in Clinical Research ……………
………………………………………………………LI Cun-lu(29)
……………………………………………张葆英 张葆霞(34)
Clinical Research of Treating Collagen Thesaurismosis by Private Plan of “TongBi soup” …………………………………ZHANG Bao-ying(34)
…………………………………………… 王素玲 李 帆(36)
50 Cases of Facical Melasma Treated by Supplementing qi,Activating Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis………………WANG Su-ling(36)
痹证的诊疗………………………………………… 徐志刚(38)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Arthralgia Syndrome……… XU Zhi-gang(38)
………………………………………………………朱 洁(40)
Observation on the effect of heart failure due to diuretic resistant by furosemide in continue venous pump…………………………………ZHU Jie(40) inflammatory lesionsR364.539226126251
中医药治疗肺纤维化研究进展…俞 新 杨继兵(指导)(41)
The Advance on Pulmonary Fibrosis by Chinese Medicine……YU Xin(41)
清热利湿法治疗Ⅲ型前列腺炎临床观察 ………………………
……………………………………………宋焱鑫 李宏军(44)
Clinical Observation of Prostatitis ⅢA Treated by Integration of Clearing-heat and Damp Elimination Therapy………………………SONG Yan-xin(44)
中医对治疗急性胆道感染的体会………张 丽 张洪林(46)
Experience of Acute Biliary Tract Infections by TCM………ZHANG Li(46)
半夏泻心汤合痛泻要方治疗溃疡性结肠炎疗效观察 …………
……………………………………………………… 屈建春(48)
Curative Effect Observation of Pinelliae Decoction of Purging Stomach-Fire Combined with TongXieYaoFang for Colitis Gravis…… QU Jian-chun(48)
…………………………………………… 董怀文 孙金鑫(50)
Study on Treatment of 60 Cases of Acute Non-icteric Hepatitis by Resolving Dampness and Soothing the Liver…………………DONG Huai-wen(50)
浅谈学习“医案”的重要性……刘守杰 王金亮 侯红霞(51)
On the Importance of Studying Case Record……………LIU Shou-jie(51)
桑菊饮加减在儿科中的运用……………………… 胡晓丽(52)
Application of folium and chrysanthemum decoction in pediatrics…HU Xiao-li(52)
……………………………………………李加和 朱利平(54)
Clinical Observation of Chronic Pharyngitis Treated with Qinghou liyan Granule in 300 Cases…………………………………… LI Jia-he(54)
Treatment Experience of Toothache…………………SHAO Dong-mei(55)
The Mental Nursing for Colitis Ulcerativa(UC) Patients……………………
…………………………………………………KONG Qing-cun(56)
强直性脊柱炎的治疗进展………………许春涛 王荣茂(61)
The Treatment Progress for Ankylosing Spondylitis(AS) …XU Chun-tao(61)
二             湿证 dampness syndrome•R254.2+2256.4/5255.8331.4/5459.5
…………………………………邓奕辉 徐美灵 葛金文(57)
Meta-analysis of Clinical Study on Diabetic Cerebral Infarction by TCM-WM
……………………………………………………DENG Yi-hui(57)
…………………………………姚 鹏 赵丽霞 王 哲(65)
Influence of Salvia on Sciatic Nerve and the Level of ICAM-1 in STZ-induced Diabetic Rats………………………………………… YAO Peng(65)
通腑醒神口服液治疗痰热腑实风痰上扰型脑梗死的临床及实验研究 ……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………… 胡文胜(69)
Clinical and Empirical Study on the Cerebral Infarction of Syndrome of Phlegm-heat and Heat Accumulated in Large Intestime, Wind-phlegm Invading upward Treated by Tongfu Xingshen Oral Liquid………HU Wen-sheng(69)
……………………………………………………… 玄绪丽(73)
Effect of Sodium Ferulate on Type 2 Diabetes Combined with Cerebral Infarction in 50 Cases…………………………………XUAN Xu-li(73)
asthenia syndrome•R223;247.9;918.02/04;335;339.3;591;592
………………………………………………………杜 辉(75)
Clinical Observation of Bazhen Decoction on Constipation after Stroke in 46 Cases……………………………………………………DU Hui(75)
——     ——
穿山甲在妇科疾病中的应用 ……………………………………
The Application of Pangolin Scales on Gynecological Disease………………
………………………………………………HUANG Yue-ying(76)
——     ——
Theory that Cancer can be Cured…………………CHEN Chao-gang(78)
…………………………………黄彩峰 孙迎春 杜晓燕(81)
Attending Comprehend of Interventional Therapy for Primary Hepatic Carcinoma (PHC) ………………………………HUANG Cai-feng(81)
……………………………………………万文婷 金林红(82)
Discussion about the Screening Strategy of Anti-tumor Drug………………
…………………………………………………WAN Wen-ting(82)
…………………………………高 华 罗泽民 黄晓平(84)
Approach 158 Cases of Hepatoma Treated by Combination of TCM with Western Medicine Individually……………………………GAO Hua(84)粒生素预防化疗后白细胞减少症…………………孔 例(90)
Prevention of Leucopenia after Chems by Lishengsu……… KONG Li(90)
三             —— 临床针灸 ——
叶氏金针脉刺法研究报告 ………………………………………
………………………………………………………叶 衡(86)
Research Report of Ye Family in Jin Zhen Vessel Needling Methods…………
………………………………………………………YE Heng(86)
—— 治未病 ——
Practice and Research of Chinese Medicine Treatment Equipment in the Field of Sub-health Prevention and Control…………………YANG Xin-jie(92)
—— 名医名方 ——
张杰以补虚泄浊法治疗老年性高血压经验 ……………………
…………………………………唐 勇 张晓娟 张 杰(95)
Zhangjie’s Experience of Senile Hypertension by Restoring qi and Purgation…
……………………………………………………TANG Yong(95)
Chinese Compound Prescription Herbs of Treating Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases by Prominent TCM Doctor Huang zhipin…………
…………………………………………………ZHANG Liu-xiu(97)
………………………………张 林 张彦秋 刘华智等(99)
Zhanglin’s Series Prescriptions for Ascites due to Cirrhosis…………………
……………………………………………………ZHANG Lin(99)
……………………………………孟庆蕾 赵法文(指导)(102)
Zhao Fawen’s Experiences for Urinary Calculus by TCM …………………
……………………………………………… MENG Qing-lei(102)
四             —— 整合医学 ——
脊髓损伤的中西医治疗进展 ……………………………………
…………………………………翟大胜 熊 杰 沈 斌(104)
Advance on Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury by Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine………………………………ZHAI Da-sheng(104)
中药配合手法治疗膝骨关节炎227例 …………………………
227 cases of knee-bone arthritis by integrating TCM with osteopathic manipula-
tive treatment…………………………………MENG Xiang-jun(108)
腰骶移行椎与腰腿疼痛的关系 …………………………………
………………………………王恩斌 聂潘荣 罗 杰等(110)
Relationship between Lumbosacral Transitional Verteb and Waist Leg Pain…
…………………………………………………WANG En-bin(110)
局麻下无张力疝修补术在腹股沟疝治疗中的应用 ……………
……………………………………………董永红 徐 钧(112)
Application of Tension-free Herniorrhaphy in Patients with Inguinal Hernia under Local Anaesthesia……………………… DONG Yong-hong(112)
Clinical Analysis on 34 Cases of Simple Zygomaticarch Fracture Collapse of M-way…………………………………………… WU Ya-feng(113)
—— 医药论坛 ——
Zhangliuxiu and her New Taditional Chinese Medicine——Preface of To Think and Research on Taditional Chinese Medicine……………WU Yu-he(115)
从生物进化过程探索经络本质 …………………………………
Explore the essence of meridian from the process of biological evolution……
……………………………………………… ZHAO Gui-qing(116)
中医药发展的几点看法 …………………………………………
Some Opinions on Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine…………
…………………………………………………YANG Cui-liu(118)
………………………………………………………张 林(120)
About Cultivating Pattern of Talented Man of Chinese Medicine……………
………………………………………………… ZHANG Lin(120)
New Ideas for Integrated Chinese with Modern Medicine Perfectly in China…
China is the Earliest Country of Cloning Human Embryo with Laomu wan Successfully……………………………………ZHANG Fu-heng(127)
五            —— 文献链接 ——
气化在辨证施治中的整体及靶点思维 …………………………
Clinial Application of the Theory of Gasification…………………………
…………………………………………………WANG Yang-zong(9)
科技书刊阿拉伯数字及汉字数字的用法 ………………………
Numercal Method of Using of Science and Technology Books and Periodicals Arabic Numerals and Chinese Characterses ………………………(129)
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